welcome message

This is a community blog for current and past women's studies students at London Metropolitan University.

Thursday 22 February 2007

Independent Student Metro - Sexist?

I received the following e-mail yesterday from one of the Londonmet librarians, and thought students might like to follow this up:

Dear Monty Sultan

I wish to complain about the inclusion of sexist material in the "Independent Student Metro" (ISM) magazine and to ask about your editorial policy.

The last time I picked up the magazine I was shocked to see that there was a feature inviting female students to enter the "Miss London Met" competition, a beauty contest. Although I consider this a completely inappropriate activity for the London Met Students' Union to be organising, I did not write to you at the time. However, having just seen the latest issue (Spring 2007), I am compelled to write to object to the inclusion of the article "The procedure of approaching women" by Moe Janssen, on page 11. This offensive article aimed at male readers wanting to seduce women is sexist and misogynistic and promotes gender stereotyping which insults both women and men. I draw your attention in particular to the sneering tone of the article and the paragraph entitled "The bitch factor".

There are two commendable articles condemning racism in this issue of ISM magazine yet sexism and misogyny appear to be endorsed and promoted. Please would you let me know how your editorial policy can justify this? Sexism has no place in a magazine which represents the Students' Union and it brings discredit on the university; although the magazine is "Independent" it does feature the university logo on the front cover.

Moreover, Moe Janssen does not appear to be a student at London Met. Having done a quick Google search I found that the article appears to be reproduced from the website "SoSuave.com" (the full text is available at: http://www.sosuave.com/quick2/tip486.htm). I trust that Moe Janssen gave permission for ISM magazine to feature the article. If not, there are serious implications regarding copyright.

I look forward to hearing from you.


Charlotte Hobson
Subject Librarian (Business and Politics)



The Women' section of the National Union Of Students are I believe, totally opposed to the continued normalisation and acceptance of women students being treated and referred to as sexualised objects. I will definitely contact a colleague of mine in order to ascertain the NUS's position with regards to articles such as this one. I doubt very much that if this article had contained any racial comments it would certainly not have been published.

Anonymous said...

I'm all for attending any forthcoming 'Miss London Met' pageants with a few strategic cans of paint......
As for the article, the content neither surprises nor shocks me. A fine example of one of a few whose continuing misogyny is nowawadays often laughed at and scoffed away as joking, instead of being recognised for what it really is.....hatred.

I'm disappointed in a publication which is supposed to represent me as a London Met student failing so miserably!